Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dinosaurs Were Tree Huggers

The 2 legged species of Dinosaurs known as 'Theropods' (meaning "Beast Feet," how rad is that?) have long been thought to have been strictly Carnivorous. As in, I'll take a burger topped with bacon and a side of chicken-filled steak. Sausage ham cake for dessert and a big glass of deer blood to wash it all down. However, new evidence brought to us by Dr. Lindsay Zanno of the Field Museum in Chicago points to a different story. Turns out the big guys went soft and grew tired of the hunt so somewhere along the way they decided to get their veggie on.
The researchers studied the remains of 90 species of Theropods and found that 44 of them had turned to the greens over time. While Zanno does believe that the Dinos grew tired of the chase for prey, it is also noted that some Theropod's began to develop beaks during the Cretaceous Period, which allowed them to eat things their large jaws couldn't before, such as tiny nuts and berries.
While I am not here to push my vegetarianism on anyone, I do love to share cool info like this because I know that some people like the idea of not eating meat but think it will be too difficult. I totally get that, and at first it was super hard for me (I cheated several times, whoops!) But I figure that, if big bad Dinosaurs can make the switch, anyone can! Besides, who doesn't want to share something in common with the coolest creatures to ever roam this planet?

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